Thursday, April 7, 2011


Last night, as I was studying for a test, a friend came over and we started talking (which led to more talking and no studying). Somehow we got on the subject of how life works. She shared with me a story she's reading in her English class about people in America who live in poverty with no electricity or running water and who can't afford medicine for their children. She told the story of one child who died of cancer because the parents couldn't afford any medication. Then, with tears filling her eyes, talked about how her aunt had recently been laid off her job and diagnosed with cancer.

I sat silent, a little numbed with the direction the conversation had taken and also knowing that I had no words worthy of saying at that moment.

After a while, she apologized for distracting me from my work. . .

to which I thought to myself (and eventually responded)

"I think you distracted me from a meaningless task, and helped me better focus on my Work"

and then

"There is so much pain in this world....what the [heck] does a business law test have to do with healing it."

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