Tuesday, March 17, 2009

sunlight, heavenly sunlight

i can really appreciate the first few days of spring/summer (i put both of these in a single category because in florida theres really no difference..its just hot)

i think i like the first few days because i have forgotten what it feels like to sit outside and soak up the warm heat, with a nice breeze and the smell of the sprouting flowers and trees.

its fresh, rejuvinating, and relaxing.

those first few days before you remember that florida in the summer can be compared to wrapping yourself in alluminum foil and sitting in an oven at 400 degrees farenhiet.

those days that make you want to hope in your friends jeep, roll down the windows and blare jack johnson while driving on the backroads hair flying in the wind.

the funny thing about when you're driving with the windows down, it becomes harder to breath with all the wind pushing against your face. but when you do inhale, the breath is so deep if feels like you're breathing in from your toes.

not hot enough to work up a sweat but just enough that you feel cosy sitting outside if cutoffs and a tank top.

nothing can replace those first fews days.

when the scortching heat of mid-July rolls around we all forget the apprecation of the florida sunshine state. we complain because the ac isn't working properly, and count down the days until fall will bring its chilly weather.

we pray for the thunderstorm 30 minutes showers in the afternoon to cool us down after playing outside.

but those first few days are care-free. we all get burned because we forget to put on adequate sunscreen, yet we are thankful to at least have had the opportunity to lay out and listen to the bees buzzing around.

sunglasses of all sizes, colors, and fashions appear after their hibernation of winter.

ladies begin to show much more skin as the climate changes..much to the excitment of the onlookers.

though im excited for the summer, im very pleased with these first few days of spring.

and bee tea dubs. . . im breakin' out the tanning lotion.