Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Afternoon Delight

"Kaylyn get away from me you weirdo. Jeez, I'm gonna start calling you LC cause you're my Little Creeper."
-Molly Hardcore Bostelman, May 29, 2010

Three months ago, Molly stepped out of her red Honda and my life was forever changed...

with her sarcasm, endless jokes, and witty comebacks this wise-old sage soon became one of my closest friends.

I mean, let's be serious. She's only got a couple of decades left in her so why not grace her with my friendship?--I count it as charitable time working with the elderly.

Get to know Molly better. . .
Some fun Molly moments include. . .
-trips to Wal-Mart at 2AM
-singing Afternoon Delight
-giving her bruises all the time because of her bone disease
-ghettofabulous music/dances
-cutting squares for craft track. . and being obnoxiously loud
-PIT rants and frustration
-PIT itunes music
-Baskin Robbins trips
-walks of attitude adjustments
-laying on sidewalks because they are warm
-laundry room conversations
-Variety Show headsets
-the "Dam" trip

Words that I hear and automatically think "Molly"
-peach tea
-Emo Patrol
-medicine, codine, pills, cough medicine
-blue shirts (oh, you know what one I'm talking about)
-skype dates
-Backstreet Boys
-New Kids on the Block
-Pop music
-chocolate ice cream

Molly phrases:
-"Put your hands on me" --referring to back massages
-"this isn't my first rodeo"
-"look neaaasty"
-"what the hey diddle diddle"
-"Crazy American"
-"i'm pregnant"
-"just calm down, just calm down. It's going to be okay. Calm down."

Other important information:
-Molly is probably one of the most loyal people you will ever meet. She truly cares for her friends and for those around her with a sense of genuiness that is rarely found.
-Molly loves to bring joy. She will work to see people laugh and smile and this is something I love about my friend. She brings a smile to difficult situations.
-Molly is honest. I haven't met many people who are as real and up front as Molly is. She tells you the truth in love and with understanding.
-Molly cares deeply. There weren't many nights that Molly wouldn't come by the room and check on me to see how my day was. No matter how tired she was (so old, so, so old) or how frustrating her day had been--she would always come by and make sure she spoke to me. She will never fully understand how much God used her this summer in teaching me how to care for other people.
-Molly perceives. You never have to tell her when somethings up. Because she already knows. Its a trick yoda must have taught her when she and him were kickin back in the day.

I was blessed beyond believe to meet someone this summer who made me laugh, made me cry, and challenged me to be better in striving to Glorify God more each day.
I was blessed with someone who didn't just feel sorry for me in times of pain or exhaustion, but walked through those times with me.
With someone who led me to Truth, and to the Word, and constantly pointed out the beauty of the Lord's work in my life and around me.
With someone who had some serious vocal chords!! And could bless me through hearing her worship in song.
With someone who loved to dance, be goofy, and be sarcastic as much as I do.
With someone who took the time and effort to invest in me.
With someone who prayed for me and with me.
With someone who still encourages me with fun cards and notes of honesty.
With an older (way older) sister, and a friend that I can relate to.
With an example of a servant and with wisdom of experience.
The Lord blessed my life with Molly Hardcore Bostelman, and for that I am so grateful.
Bee Tea Dubs. . .Molly I can't wait to see what He has planned for you and through you in Chatt town. Keep the faith. He's with you always. And I'm here for you as long as He allows. LOVE YOU!

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