Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A little bit of this...

Yesterday I accepted a full time job offer. Here's to growing up and getting old. And having a steady income. I want a tree with glass bottles hanging from it. I want to learn how to cook fancy dishes for no special occasion. I want to join a book club. These are definitely the first things on the "grown-up" Kaylyn list. I also eventually want to take a ball-room dancing class. That's right. Get your kicks.

Is it too soon to be thinking about how I want to decorate my apartment? I'm excited for crafting and for consignment shopping/yard sale-ing.

As far as the work, if I can handle 12 weeks, why not 40 more? I may need a few more suits for this though. I'll try to find some less-prominent shoulder pads.

I went camping with the CCFers (new student retreat) this weekend. I got red bug bites. I refuse to call them chiggers. That makes me think its some communal disease. I did learn that they aren't embedded under your skin. That's a myth. Good news for paranoid Kaylyn. Piece of advice to you all: don't google image chigger bites to diagnose yourself. Just don't.

Other than everyone getting infested with invisible bugs, there was good conversation, springs exploring, grilled hamburgers, s'mores, laughter, transparency, fierce apples to apples gaming, ghost stories, and one excruciatingly hot sleepless night spend on the ground in a tent.

I painted my fingernails hot pink, and it has proved to be a great motivator/mood lightener this week whilst paper-writing, researching, and textbook reading.

The week has introduced the revival of the PB&J. Triangles, not rectangles.

The call with the executive to seal the job above happened at 9:30am and 20 seconds. My alarm went of at 9:30am. Benadryl the night before because of above infestation. Great experience.

This semester has Case Study Tuesdays and Exam Thursdays. No seriously. Every. week.

Today I brought back the happy shoes. The yellow ones.

Listen to my new friend mike's youtube station. Here's a sample.

bee tea dubs...a little bit of that.


Claire said...

Love this insight into how you've been spending your time lately...


Kaylyn said...

judge not lest ye be judged. -that's from the KVV

if you want to know how i'm spending my time right now (and until around 3am) come to the LBC basement. I can introduce you to Accounting Information Systems at its best.

Claire said...


i'm really sad i didn't see that last night.

or for sure i would've been there.