Wednesday, December 14, 2011
My Life is a Sitcom
The other day I walked into a room of friends and was carrying my lunch with me. I was talking about what a great mood I was in for no particular reason. I said "yea, it's probably just because the bottom is about to fall. . . . out" The pause between fall and out was when the drink I was holding in my hand dumped out all over my white shirt, jeans, and white shoes.
The only response to that is laughter. What else can you do.
Then yesterday was my 22nd Birthday. (It was also Taylor Swift's, but she and I aren't on speaking terms right now, so let's not go there.)
-->First of all, somehow Febreze sets off fire alarms. So because of me an entire ACADEMIC (not residential) building had to be evacuated for 30 minutes while Public Safety and the Deland Fire Department checked the building for any flames. They even brought an ax, and an ambulance.
--> Then, I was at Chili's and my friend made the entire restaurant sing Happy Birthday to me....not the waitresses, but other guests. Embarrassing
---> and last, but certainly not least. I have these friends Jessica and Claire. They are both English and Religious studies dual majors. They are also witty smart-asses. Which makes for a great combination and I'm really glad we're all friends. They thought it'd be fun to try to get back at me for all of the awkward/embarrassing/uncomfortable moments I've caused to countless individuals by coming up with this idea of who my husband should/will be. So they choose our friend Christopher. Who hasn't even known us very long and is very shy. And they've been secretly making fun of me about it because I guess it get's their gears grinding to see me squirm. I will also add that this is purely their imagination running wild--and the story is without merit.
So late last night after I got back to campus from driving a friend home, our friend Natalie meets me at the door, says Claire had to step out but for me to check my email as soon as possible.
(note that this was Claire's last night at the school...she's graduating, getting married and moving to Texas---to find out more see my previous posts).
So there is a computer, and a chair sitting in the middle of the auditorium. Which I am already sensing is kinda weird. But I reluctantly follow directions. And I hope my email to a short message about how much I mean to Claire and a hyperlink to this website.
If you decided to come back after viewing that precious jewel, it's more than I could do. I was crying I was laughing so hard. These girls went WAY out of their way to play a practical joke for my birthday and I felt SO loved. Although, probably not in the same ways that website is suggesting.
And to make things even better. Christopher walked into the coffee shop the next morning when Claire was sharing this story with some more of our friends. So now he has seen it as well. Here's to an awkward encounter with him in January.
I love my friends and I love that my life is just like a sitcom--I never get bored. Happy Birthday to me.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
University Student
Another video discussed lately.
I've watched it several time and each time I see something new.
Be's pretty dense.
Monday, November 14, 2011
The Power of Vulnerability
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Short 2
My favorite part of the weekend by far was tennis with my dad. I got home on Friday and because my dad has Friday's off we got some quality time together. This is my dad [ignore the fact that we were looking at different cameras...we're silly people]

[Affectionately and Originally] entitled: Short 1
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

That's a sucky feeling for sure.
Today I'm forgetting beautiful weather, wonderful conversations and nice deep breaths in order for productivity in the crazy academia-land of late.
I think I made a poor choice.
also..i like this one:
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A little bit of this...
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Time to Breathe
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Have a little Faith
- The historical use of faith to create boundaries and barriers between people of different genders, races, ethnic groups, etc.
- The use religion, masqueraded as faith, as a means to gain personal power
- Self-centered faith. (God bless America for example)
- "one-size-fits-all" faith.
- the fear of becoming comfortable and stagnant in my faith
- the fear that my definition of faith isn't the same as God's definition and therefore that I lack faith.
- fear of loosing my faith
- the degree of faith we put in material things, relationships, etc. ---what's acceptable, what's not?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
How to Love
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Summer of Healing
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
True Life: Don't let your Dreams be Dreams
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
True Life: Kaylyn Is Old
Saturday, July 9, 2011
"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess; for he who promised is

I guess she stuck around long enough to see me actually get a hair style for a person over the age of 8.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Check Mate.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
- The other day I thought to myself "hah, wouldn't it be cool to tell people I lived on the western side of an east coast town on the southern boarder of north carolina."
- Then I thought to myself, "surely when you start coming up with your own little riddles for yourself--this is a sign that you've lost it"
- I'm beginning to give up on my hopes for Africa in December. It's just not looking like a reality. Which really saddens my heart. One day, though. One day soon. Please Lord.
- I've thought a lot about how much we (I) cheapen words by our (my) constant/thoughtless/careless use of them. We (I) must really start putting more of an emphasis on saying what we (I) really mean, rather than choosing to use the easy words and causing words with so much depth/meaning become cliches. (e.g. "love")
- Tonight I heard "He's not the leavin kind" by Rascal Flatts and for the first time realized it was talking about the Lord. I'm really dense sometimes when it comes to paying attention to what I listen to.
- I think that the happiest time of my life thus far was my summer working camp.
- Its always interesting to pause for a second and think about what kind of life we have chosen for ourselves. How small choices have really big affects.
- The Edwards celebrate Father's Day like most people--with great food. . which means I wasn't very disciplined today. There have been no dramatic results, but part of discipline is sticking with it, so even though I'm dissapointed I'll be doing my workouts this week.
- This week I'll be near Fort Lauderdale on an audit. Staying in a hotel will be fun, and a different scene. . .but waking up tomorrow at 4:30 will not be. I'm excited for a change of scenery and to get to know the girl that I'm going with better.
- Today I caught myself being really judgmental in church. It's amazing how hypocritical I can be sometimes. Have patience, He's not done with me yet.
- The song below moves me every time I listen to it. My prayer tonight is that it is the case in my life no matter where I am.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
The Edwards
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Work it out.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
A Day in the Life.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Friday, May 20, 2011
the calm before the storm
A stillness before the wind picks up.
Where the smell of rain is in the air, but instead of worrying about the ensuing rain, one relishes in the freshness of the moment.
That hasn't come yet, but I hope it does this weekend.
I think for me, waiting is the hardest part.
In the storm (or in the sunshine as the case very well may be) I have some knowns. But in the waiting there's uncertainty.
To speak straightforwardly instead of in meaningless metaphors. . .
So long summer, hello adventure...that comes with a dress code. and culture of its own. Hopefully I'm a quick learner, hopefully The first few weeks fly by and all of a sudden I'm used to what goes on and how to act, what to say, what my job is.
The fact that I'm being blessed in the midst of my complaint, of my hesitancy, of my sin and stubbornness is sobering.
And to be completely level with you:
These past few weeks have quite possibly been the hardest weeks emotionally for me.
It's like an out of body experience, where I'm watching myself get lost.
I read Betty White's memoirs book the other day and one of the things her mother said to her that has stuck with her was that you must always be able to look in the mirror and stare into your eyes and meet them straight on because you can lie to others, but when you look into the mirror and you meet your eyes there you cannot not know the truth.
I've had some shifty eyes lately.
I want to fight, but it's hard mustering the ability. I want to get off this nauseating roller coaster desperately.
Drama is not my intention, but to rob you of the struggle along with the blessing would be a lie.
and I think...comparatively speaking I have nothing to be distressed about. I should be so thankful. But I do worry, I am distressed. The hurt is real to me.
Despite my circumstance my story stays the same.
And I cling to the fact that when I can only cry out the words"Help me. I need You." He knows exactly what that means. And He knew them before I spoke them, and I trust in His Word, and remind myself of things like Romans 8.
He knows my name, and He cares for me.
He is not only the calm before the storm, but the calm in the midst of storm.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
As we go on
The past week has been one crazy whirlwind.
- I have a place to live for the summer. PTL!
- I've had a pretty serious nervous breakdown.
- I slept for 20 straight (almost) hours.
- I went shopping for work clothes
- I pressure washed for 5 hours straight
- I haven't gotten any tan. AT ALL. :(
- But the beach is beautiful!
- I've been pretty unmotivated on the blogging front.
- Both sets of grandparents, one Aunt, two family friends were here for my sister's graduation...which was beautiful.
I love her a lot and am so proud of her. She'll be attending USF in the fall (Tampa, FL) for speech pathology. She loves the Lord and loves to sing. . .in fact. You can catch her singing in the shower in the morning and on her way to bed at night. Her joyful, positive heart is something I have always admired and the Lord has always used to glorify Himself. Sunday night the church honored the graduates and Karissa sang "Waiting here for you" by Christy Nockles. Such a great message for me right now. I'm thankful for my sister and her impact on my life and the lives of her friends. I can't wait to see what happens in our lives these next few years and how we begin the process into being best of friends.
Monday, May 2, 2011
And it was good.
a portion of Ronnie Freeman's "The Only Thing"
If you could walk the hallways of my heart
And see things as they really are
I wonder if you might be surprised
Seeing faded walls of pride and fear
Rooms I've filled with faithless tears
And corners where I've stood in compromise
Oh, but you'd see the work His grace has done
And you'd know just how far I've come
The only thing that's good in me is Jesus
The only thing that's good in me is Jesus
I'll live long enough to know no matter what this life may show
The only thing that's good in me is Jesus
Saturday, April 30, 2011
A Dime a Dozen
- One final til I'm a Senior. (What?!)
- Still working on where I'm living for my internship. That's scary as my internship starts in a few weeks. I'm not stressed, which is what's worrying me a little.
- Jessica got me the cutest owl stationary inside an owl box. Feel very special if you get a note from me on owl stationary this summer. . . .the only downside to what she gave me is that I don't want to send them because I love the print so much.
- I have been drinking green tea with citrus out of a gallon jug all week. Judge away.
- I now feel like I'm living in an insane asylum. Everything (minus a few necessities) is gone. My parents came today and we worked hard all day and now I'm a box away from peacing out of "Hall A" (how original) at Stetson.
- I listened to angry music today (not really angry music...but 90s rock on pandora) and it motivated me to clean and pack.
- I'm not a princess person (or wedding person) by any stretch of the imagination. . . but I woke up at 4 to watch 5 hours of coverage of the royal wedding and it was definitely worth it. I'll remember it forever, great time with friends and oh my lanta is Kate beautiful ...LOVED the dress!!
- Sorry to those who follow me on twitter for blowing it up about the event mentioned above.
- I 'm burdened for the tornado victims in AL, TN, GA, and NC. I think about the video below I posted and how difficult it would be for me to hear had I lost my home, my loved ones, etc. Telling me that being homeless was a blessing, that being a widow was a blessing, etc.
- Something I've noticed lately, and have been discouraged by is the depth of friendships/relationships in general in my life. It's always hard when friendships change and for me small talk is exhausting. I love depth, talking about things that matter, being challenged, and not having people who understand who you are and what you mean without you having to really explain. Maybe that's my selfishness, or laziness, or my putting too much emphasis on people...whatever it is, it's been on my mind.
- I hope to finish the project I've been working on for a while within the next week. That's the most exciting thing going on right now.
- GOAL for May 7-May 21. . .dark. . . brown. . . TAN!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Dear Blank.
- Dear College,
Thank you for instilling in me the willingness to sleep all day and stay awake all night. Thank you for an endless supply of pasta varieties in the lunchroom and for having the lawn service cut grass at 7am outside my window. Thank you for having a diversity day, where classes are canceled even though you know we all just go to the beach instead of attending lectures. Thank you for life-long friendships made over meaning-of-life conversations and sarcastic humor at your expense. Thank you for the upkeep of the property, even though it's funny how that happens right before alumni and incoming student tour weekends. Thanks for public safety, even though I've almost died more than once due to their horrible golf cart driving skills. It's amazing the impact you've had on my life in just three short years. I would say my time with you has been priceless, but then I remember you price it at a minuscule 45 grand a year.
An empowered college student.
- Dear Orange Play-Doh on my desk,
Thank you for being flexible. Thanks for helping me relieve stress, and providing a creative outlet when I'm writing research papers.
A child
- Dear Laundry on my bed,
You are wrinkled. I know you feel neglected now, but I assure you, you will get the last laugh when I'm wearing you around this week.
A lazy housekeeper
- Dear wall of pictures and letters,
Some may judge you, but I adore you. Thank you for reminding me of all the people that care about me. Thank you for reminding me that I am loved. Also, thanks for adding a splash of color to these white walls.
A friend, sister, daughter, and granddaughter.
- Dear Specifically Picture of Pacey Whitter on my wall,
Whew. Thank you. Enough said.
Team Pacey and a Dawson Creek Fanatic
- Dear Alarm Clock,
We go way back. You invaded my life way back in middle school. Frankly I think the older I get the more we grow far apart. I like that you're a metallic green, but that's about all I like about you. There's something very naggingly annoying about you. You are constantly buzzing about something and to be honest I've had enough. I promise this isn't me being bitter about the fact that you are currently reminding me it is 3 am and I'm not sleeping, or the fact that you will be ringing again in a very small number of hours. I'm just asking you to be more gentle about it. I mean, remember that time that you made me fall off of my 5 foot lofted bed freshman year? That hurt a lot. Let's be better friends these last few weeks okay? Let me snooze a little.
Not a morning person
- Dear painting on my wall,
I just noticed you are crooked. Now I can't think about anything else.
- Dear Readers of this blog,
Friday, April 15, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Spring Fun
Thursday, April 7, 2011
I sat silent, a little numbed with the direction the conversation had taken and also knowing that I had no words worthy of saying at that moment.
After a while, she apologized for distracting me from my work. . .
to which I thought to myself (and eventually responded)
and then
"There is so much pain in this world....what the [heck] does a business law test have to do with healing it."
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Friday night was CCF's formal (which isn't ever formal). This year's theme was "Favorite Childhood Toys" and so I dressed as a Bop-It. Less because I loved the game, and more because it was an easy costume and I found it to be clever. I'll post pictures in the next few days. I had fun releasing stress by way of my ghettofabulous dance moves....and I think others watching enjoyed them too.
Immediately after I ran back, took a quick shower and jumped in the car with mom, my roommate Ashli, and my friend Claire for the 6.5 hour drive home. Yea, we're crazy college kids...we got in at 4:30am EST quite a few coffee stops later. It was fun having the company driving...and we definitely got our Disney jams on...I think mom got a little more than she bargained for, but she was a great sport.
The next day it was all about my sis, Karissa. The reason for coming home (apart from getting a much deserved break from Stetson) was for her senior prom, so we were all up the next morning at 9 for nail, hair, and makeup appointments. (Minus Claire who went to spend the day with her Boo in P-cola 2 hours away)
I'll post pictures of my sis in the next post too. . .she was beautiful as always and one of my favorite moments of the trip was her asking me to help her get ready. Definitely Kaylyn crazy emotional moment.
My parents cooked steaks for me and my friends and I loved getting to sit at the table with my family and friends--and my Nanny & Jack came over too. We all played a rousing round of Apples to Apples before the prom crew was back for a quick change and then off again and we were all fast asleep.
Church with the family and friends on Sunday as well as family pictures (not my favorite thing in the world) on the beach. Claire, Ashli and I got up Monday morning at 5:30 and drove straight back to school in time for afternoon classes.
Definitely didn't get as much rest as I had intended or wanted, but I'm so, so glad the weekend went the way it did.
Bee Tea Dubs....My favorite part about going to church at my parent's church is watching the organist. I know. This seems to be really silly, creepy, etc. I guess my history with organists is less than amusing. So my preconceived image of them is not very pleasant (stupid Kaylyn for judging) but has one of the most joyful spirits I know. She doesn't stop smiling while she is playing and her love for the Lord radiates through her playing and her attitude as she worships. She and I haven't had any conversations, but I think she has made one of the biggest impacts in my life by the way her relationship with the Lord overflows even in simple things like playing the organ.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Homecoming & The Boston Coffee Party.
Anyway, Saturday we (CCF) had a Baptist Ministry reunion for all of the alumni and it turned out to be way cool. We definitely underestimated how many people would show up, so after taking out more chairs, people were just standing in the back. It was fun to pull out year books and see wonderfully embarrassing pictures of my parents--as well as mingle with religious studies faculty and 80 year old people who tell you *the* most interesting stories about their uses of prayer rooms in Allen Hall.
We had a presentation about business-y stuff in the organization and the name change, funding stuff, etc. which I grinned and bared until it got to the fun questions asking alum to share stories. I got to sit with the crew that graduated in the 50's...I was so lucky. My uncle Jim and Aunt Mary (3rd cousins...distant relatives) were two in the group and it was nice to be connected in that way too...the theme of how the organization had changed them and stuck with them after graduation was very sobering to me.
I became a little overwhelmed with what a big deal it was to so many people and that the responsibility of carrying on a ministry that has potential to change my campus was becoming mine soon. . .
I had to speak for a few minutes and after starting off joking about the obvious influence of the Stetson Baptist ministry in my life (my existence) I found it was really easy to speak about all the ways the Lord has used BCM/CCF to bless me and to provide opportunities to be a blessing.
After mingling and hosting and speaking I was exhausted, but there's nothing more reviving that seeing faces I recognized from my previous two years at Stetson. Homecoming meant more t0 me this year, because I actually knew some of the alumni. . .they were the ones who were my small group leaders, and some of my closest friends. They showed me around DeLand, took me to plays in Orlando, and laughed with me at 3AM.
A group of us went to Boston Coffee downtown (a quaint little hole-in-the-wall) and caught up with each other. I didn't expect anything super deep, just to hear the surface-level things that were going on in people's lives. . . but within 3 minutes we were there. I shared first and they didn't let me get off the hook without difficult, real questions about my spiritual life. And the theme continued around the entire table. At one point, I was in tears ( surprising?...I didn't think so)
I am so appreciative to the Lord for these girls and for our lunch together on Saturday. I was encouraged and challenged and reminded of how the Lord has used so many people to show His love for me.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Child's Play
I guess it's been a little forced on me as I've been around Ben a lot, who is expecting a child in about 10 weeks. This is the first time one of my friends/someone I'm close to is going through the process of becoming a parent. It's really mind-boggling and intriguing to me. How does one prepare themselves to care for the life of another? Especially one so small and dependent?
I've had some really fun ideas involving learning more about child psychology and about parenting and I've shared my unsolicited advice with Ben and others this past week. But I can't take my brain off of the transformation one undergoes during parenthood...and what qualities make the parents 'good parents'.
It's fun to think about. And because I've been thinking about it so much I've been paying closer attention to families and their interactions. At the beach, being the creeper that I am, I watched this mother and her 3 young children. At one point the two eldest (who were probably 5 and 3) started army-crawling in the sand. They had been in the water already so the sand stuck to their hair,bodies, faces, everything.
For some reason, watching the kids made me really happy. I started laughing thinking about how I had gotten to the beach, been very careful to take my flip flops off, carefully place down my towel and bag as to not get any sand on either and then get frustrated when sand got on me, or my towel or in my bag.
And there are these kids, enjoying every bit of rolling around on the white beach getting covered from head to toe in the sand. It looked like a blast.
So what do I do?
Naturally Kaylyn gets up, and starts rolling around in the sand herself--making sand angels and crawling around...and then runs down to the freezing cold water and dives in.
Aside from the entertainment value that my friends received, I am so glad I acted on the whim.
It was fun to be completely free and silly for a second.
To be a kid.
Bee Tea Dubs...Perhaps there are deeper lessons learned like how much we stress about not getting our hands dirty that we miss out on the Blessing of freedom that comes with not having limitations on what we are willing to do and living in complete Surrender to the Lord. . . . or perhaps this was a just great reminder that as children we are meant to be joyful and to embrace His creation.
Or maybe I'm just a crazy, silly person who doesn't know much better.
But in any case. This is one of two highlights of my weekend...the second is coming soon.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hakuna Matata
After I finished (or really just got to a stopping point) I relaxed and starred into the gorgeous blue sky. It was the kind of clear blue that hurt your eyes to stare into...but mesmerizing enough for you to continue starring. There were no clouds in sight from any direction...and a wonderful breeze so no scorching heat either. I consciously paid attention to my breaths becoming deeper and deeper and more relaxed, and to the rhythm of the waves as they crashed against the shore....(crashed is being used very lightly is waves...because I know I have west coast hater readers) My thoughts drifted and were varied but I couldn't help be thankful for those moments of stillness. There was a purity in that meditation. . . a peaceful appreciation for the moment.
Oh how I wish I could have that in the midst of the everyday---an appreciation for the moment...which would in turn overflow to dictate the ways I handled my conversations, my schedule, etc.
We left to go try out a wing shack in Daytona. (shack being used very literally here). .which led to a very fun(ny) experience. My cultural horizons were expanded, for sure. I'm glad that the Lord understands my love for laughter.
On the way back with our food (cause we didn't stay) we started to talk and someone brought up the fact that we are almost Seniors and that people who are everyday faces will be rarely seen again. Blah. Okay-I know for most of you this isn't a big deal because you've already been through it. . .and I also kind of hate that everyone always freaks out about how quickly time goes by especially since this semester isn't over yet and then there's a entire year left of college.
But, with all of that said, that is crazy. How in the world did 3 years of college go by? Where was I? What am I going to hide behind when I graduate? Real world are you even ready for an 'adult' Kaylyn? Is the 'adult' Kaylyn ready for you? I think not.
Bee Tea Dubs....And then I remember the blueness of the sky, the rhythm of the wind and the waves and the ever-constant reminder that in all things the Lord offers me His perfect peace.
Friday, March 18, 2011
The least of these...

Carrytown Burgers and good. I was enjoying the Hawaiian Burger when my friend Sabrina decided to mini photo shoot.

Painting the lodge at camp alkulana

Any trip without a flat isn't a real trip at all...Jimmy the maintenance man of Camp looks on as Jarian and Sabrina work on the tire.
Somehow I ended up with this job before we left camp. . .
Claire and I enjoying the sights before we began the trip back.
Some of the cabins at camp
The church where we stayed the first part of the week was centered in 'The Fan' district which has lots of historic style homes and we joked that we were on the set of full house.

Painting the church that supports the camp