She invests, although she could be doing many other things--devoting work to her coursework, enjoying her last few weeks with close friends, spending time preparing for her wedding and move to the great state of Texas and graduate school/seminary. (all at once)
She has invested in these members of her small group and in my life as well.

A fun story: we met on our very first day at Stetson. We were in an orientation group together and after a strange encounter with another student who thought that we knew each other, we decided to exchange numbers and then never spoke to each other again for almost two years.
Funny how things work. She's still in my phone as Claire (focus).
So fast forward two years and we are reconnected through CCF. And somehow we begin these random late night jam sessions where we talk and cry and laugh and sing and she shares with me her beautiful voice and even more beautiful way of being able to listen to what feels like hours and hours of my junk--big and small.
Claire relates well. She makes it a point to demonstrate a place of understanding before ever offering a reply. this means more than she'll ever know. and has proved a great part of her ministry to me and to others.
I'm excited to see these changes in her life, even though selfishly I'm so sad that she'll be leaving me for texas....who moves from Florida to texas?!
I could write so much more. but I'll choose to go spend some time with her instead.
bee tea dubs...I'm so thankful for your continued friendship, guidance and sarcastic banter.
I finally made it.
This is a break-through.
Also, can you send me that picture? It only lets me download a tiny version of it.
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