Wednesday, July 20, 2011

True Life: Kaylyn Is Old

All summer I have joked around about being old, growing up, and leaving my youth in only memories...mostly because I'm melodramatic, but lately I've been getting scared at how accurate I may have been:

Signs of pre-mature aging:

1. Every night without fail, I go to bed by 10:00pm. This has started including weekends. Friday night I was so tired I went to bed at 9:45. The 70-year-old's I'm living with stayed up that night until almost midnight watching a movie.

2. I've grown an appreciation for the news/current events, I'm listening to NPR in the morning, and checking the Wall Street Journal as a secondary news source. My days of using Entertainment Tonight as a source of current events are over.

3. Auto-tuned music gets on my nerves. (Maybe this isn't a sign of aging, but of good taste.) Lately, all of the top 40 songs sound the same to me...and I dislike them.

3a.(The exception to the rule is "Moves like Jagger" by Maroon 5...for some reason I really like the song..mostly because it makes me dance and whistle. Judge away.)

4. Sticking with the theme of music, this morning I caught myself listening to the jazz station on my radio because it was relaxing to me. Frank Sinatra was playing and I was loving it. Oh, hello mid 40s, I've missed you...since apparently I'm now 70 years +)

5. I find myself talking about the weather more and more...and in natural conversation.

6. I pack my lunch everyday. The same thing.

7. While eating lunch, I read a book. That's right, not only am I old I am old and sad. I'm one of those ladies who eat and read by themselves because their family grew up and left them in a home and all their friends are dead. Except I still have color in my hair that is not white, gray, or non-existent. (My apologies for the unnecessarily depressing description there.)

8. I drink decaffeinated tea because I'm worried that caffeine will keep me awake at night.

9. Along the same lines...some mornings I wouldn't make it without a cup of coffee.

10. My hobbies include card writing, reading (the book is awesome..."The Help"--movie is coming out next month..and I'm excited) and sleeping. Sleeping is my favorite part followed by card writing.

11. My weekend activities include: the gym, grocery shopping; budgeting; car maintenance and sleep.

12. I wake up by 8:30 on Saturday Mornings. And my first thought is usually the laundry I need to start.

13. I am an ironing pro.

14. I find the computer less and less attractive. (I think this has to do with the fact that I'm forced to stare at one for 8+ hours a day as it is)

And believe me there are more...but I don't care to bore you anymore than I probably already have. The truth is...I am old. But at least I can find some humor in it...and that's the key to staying young...still having the ability to laugh at yourself.

Bee Tea Dubs...I also think it's really important to continue to dream, to have the ability to think outside what's stay tuned. "Kaylyn is old" pt. 2 is next

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