Okay, can I vent for a hot second? (Of course I can. . .this is my blog, and therefore it's automatically a place reserved for me to give my two cents where it is not asked, and to publicize personal vendettas.)
Come'on America. Get. Over. The. Vampires.
Come'on America. Get. Over. The. Vampires.

Really...how could this be okay?
If I see another show, movie, book, commercial, etc. centered around vampires, ware wolves, witches, zombies, etc. I'm going to scream. It's past the point where I'm boycotting them because I just want to be different and attempt at being a rebel, making fun of pop culture and more to the point where it's boring me.
I'll give the vampire books (twilight) the fact that they were pretty original (minus Dracula, which was published in 1897)...they mixed the romance novels with horror film characters. (Disclaimer: I have not read or watched any Twilight book/movie, so everything written is just from hearsay)
But come'on. It's not original anymore. And I'm so bored/disgusted with America's obsession with this nonsense. Teen moms getting together to have Twilight fests and fight over which 20 year old actor is hotter isn't cool....it's called being a sexual predator.
You are the reason why now every time I turn on the television or go to a movie I'm seeing advertisements for the next big vampire rage. They're trying to get in on all the profits off of YOU PEOPLE. Therefore, do me and every other normal human being a favor and stop. Stop being obsessed, and stop enabling your children to be obsessed.
Spoiler Alert: Vampires don't exist.
Stop wasting your time fantasizing over what you would do if you were the main character. I'm pretty sure you picked up the book from the fiction section, and as confusing as it is that 'fiction' is the non-real stuff, and 'non-fiction' is the real stuff I'd figured you'd understand since you don't really see any zombies, vampires or ware wolves walking around your city. My bad on the assumption that you had some common sense.
If we, as a country spent half the time, money, dedication, etc on the economic problems/world hunger/AIDS/Cancer/the salvation of our friends, as twilight fans do on their crazy we'd be getting somewhere.
Let's harness the passion for a purpose that matters and is, at the least, real.
On another note, it's not too late for you if you are one of the crazies. The answer? Burn it all. The less vampire paraphernalia that exists the closer we will be to being normal again. So do it. I'll send you a lighter.
(disclaimer: any damages to property or persons as a result of the above advice will not be paid for by Kaylyn Varnum...burn at your own risk)
Thank you for your time America.
Bee tea dubs....Star Wars is by no means included in this list...may the force be with you.
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