I feel like I should at least write to say that I passed the CPA exam.
After all of that sitting and waiting (and crying and being frustrated) good things have happened.
A lot of hard work has also happened. But I'm thinking it'll build some character. And provide some fresh material for my true calling--stand up comedy.
I now own Kathy Griffin's "Official Book Club Selection" Shirley Maclaine's book "I'm over all that" and Julie Andrew's memoir "Home". I haven't made it halfway through any of them, but it makes me smile when I see my BA's sitting by my bed at night.
I went to a church on Sunday. It was a small church about an hour away and I went with a friend because she was taking some Stetson students there so it was a fun excuse to see some friends.
We walked into a sunday school class of adults prob 50ish-60ish. It would've been easy to be sarcastic and cynical about the things they were saying and the discussion. But PTL that something about the conversation hit home. The honesty and vulnerability. The realness was fresh and rejuvenating. It was like finally coming home after an exhausting trip. My friend later described it as walking into a hug.
The service was equally as moving. No lights, no ultra-contemporary music. The only people under 40 were in our group. It was beautiful. The entire thing.
One of the hymns' lyrics included: "Listen the prayers of your children, bring us love, bring us power, bring us peace." One of the things the pastor mentioned was about grief and dealing with loss. He also spoke about Job and his honesty with God.
Something about the service made humbled me. It was beautiful and heartfelt and real. My heart was at peace.
I had a wonderful conversation with my mother this past weekend about religion and politics. (how often do you hear that sentence?!) Afterwards I sat and thought about what a gracious Father I have..to give me such wonderful parents. The older I get the more thankful I am for my parents. If I'm ever a parent, I hope to bring to the table at least half of what they've given freely to me.
Right now, life is Green. (no, this is not a rip off of T. Swift's new album..or I guess it is an i'm pissed that I'm referencing her on my blog) It's not the flashy red or orange or yellow. It doesn't quite have the majesty of a deep purple or blue. But life isn't always attractive. Its not always about majesty and grace. Sometimes life is mediocre. But pain means we're alive.
Life is hard. God is good. Sometimes I let myself believe the lie that those are mutually exclusive things...God is good and life is still hard. Life is hard and God is still good.
I'm working, but more importantly than that, God is working in me.
It really hits me, sometimes, how much love He has for us. I hope to love more like Him tomorrow.
Bee Tea Dubs, I want to be a mom someday.
1 comment:
Miss you.
I hope you haven't interpreted my relative silence on facebook as a lack of interest or concern, I actually hate how technology (i.e., my fancy phone) makes it so convenient to see things like when people post something on facebook, because then I find out about it when I don't have time to look, and then when I do have the time, it isn't new anymore so the notifications are gone...
First world problems.
But it's happened more than once with you lately. Hence the apology.
I. will. call. you. soon.
This weekend is my dad's retirement party, we're flying to Pensacola tomorrow night, and both my brothers, my sister and her husband and three precious kids are going to be there...looking forward to it so much.
This is well past the limits of how much a normal blog comment should say.
...Miss you.
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