Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Letting Go.

In direct contrast to the title of this blog here are some of the many things I've gained over the last month of silence. . .

-4 weeks of no homework, which is related to the increase in sleep
-a GPS for my new job so that I don't turn the wrong way on one way streets
-a Christmas lunch at a Chinese buffet!
-a few days with a dear friend, which included watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Miracle on 34th Street" (the original)
-lots of backroad driving time
-Visit to the Atlanta Aquarium with my sis and her friends
-messages from Louie Giglio, Christine Caine, Francis Chan, John Piper, and Beth Moore
-Fried green tomatoes made by my uncle Jerry.
-seeing off a friend to Texas via a beautiful wedding ceremony
-a revival of the soul

I'm grateful for the things/moments/transformation that I've gained.

And in similar fashion, I'm so happy that my heart has been broken over the past month. I'm so happy that I've been given the gift of letting go.

Letting go my pride to admit that I'm really screwed up most of the time. And living in the inexplicable freedom that comes from knowing that the Lord sees me as beautiful anyway.

Letting go of control in order to embrace the day--in all its interruptions and spontaneous miscues that lead to new opportunities.

Letting go, to pursue what we've been called to do today.

letting go for peace, for growth, for the morning.

at some point over break it occurred to me that surrender is not always loosing. sometimes its giving up the very thing that is weighing me down in order to gain something that I've been longing for all along.

It hurts to let go. To see relationships change. To be made vulnerable and open to discomfort.

The reward is worth it.

Bee Tea Dubs, "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." -James 3:17

1 comment:

Claire said...

Beautiful thoughts for a new year.
So hard to let go of so many things, but we can only hold onto so much, you know? And there's something really exciting about seeing what you're going to gain in the place of each loss...

My turn:
I heard this on the radio yesterday and I loved how well it fit into so many different phases of my life, and just how hopeful it is. And I feel like even in this time of so much change, my first inclination is always to strive to just get comfortable, but maybe if I just...let go...of that as a goal, I'll be able to gain so much more in ways I'm not even anticipating. This is my new song...