Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Day in the Life.

So I'm feeling like it's time to clue you in to my life since the big changes. I guess I've kept the public (and by public I mean the 3 of you who read this blog) at bay long enough. Instead of a rather long catch up to work and "home" and the like I thought I'd just give you a typical day in the life of Kaylyn this summer...since I've got a sort of formula to my day. Which....if you know me at all...works well when I have some sort of schedule and plan.

5:45- Wake up, usually thinking I've overslept. I still haven't gotten over the nervousness of being late to work. That's the worst part of my sleep.

6:00- Alarm 1 rings. I get up, make my bed, turn on my straightener on, brush my teeth.

6:10- Alarm 2 rings (I told you..I'm paranoid about sleeping late)

6:11-6:30ish: Hair, Make-up, last minute wardrobe corrections, Dressed, make my lunch

6:30-6:50: Quiet Time. So far, I've been consistent about getting in the Word in the mornings. And I've made it a priority...and it's made all the difference on my daily life. Beginning the day reading what the creator of the world and my heart has to say to me really puts things into perspective. I really put an emphasis on the creator of my heart....Because He has been putting a lot of things on my heart and mind and leading me to truth and it just overwhelms me how He knows me so much better than I know myself, and how much He wants the best for me.

6:50-7:00: Jump in the car, wave goodbye/good morning to Mr. Ray (I'll get to him later) who is usually into his 40th minute of walking around his driveway, get the GPS going, and off to work.

7:00-7:40: Drive--I watch the sun finish rising, and greet the Lord with prayer and song. (and fight nasty traffic..but mostly the first two) This is probably my favorite part of the day. I love that I'm already awake and getting things done, and I love that I have
time to talk to the Lord before the craziness of the day begins. And again, this is the time that has made all the difference in my life as of late. I get to pray for friends who are serving at Camp and in churches, my family, my coworkers, my day, my attitude, my struggle, my future, my lost friends, people I've never met and His will for all of us. There's a peace in this part of the day that I've been trying to find in other things and have come up empty handed.

7:40-8:00: Park in the most scary parking garage, go into the office early (usually I'm the 1st or 2nd one there..again because I'm paranoid) Get started with the day.

8:00-8:15: Listen to everyone else get there, as I work in a cubicle that is in front of the copier and the break room and I can hear everything. I prefer to work in silence or music and so this is usually the least productive part of my day.

8:15-12:30: GET STUFF DONE! Some days I'm out in the field at client offices doing audit work, or in the office assisting the tax/audit/admin team. Wherever I am, you can be sure I'm doing work. One thing I don't lack is stuff to do. Which is nice because the day goes by fast. They also have a bunch of self-study materials that I have to complete by the end of the summer. . so really I have no free time.

12:30-1:30: Lunch Break. I've started packing my lunch to save some $$, but if I'm on an audit, I'll go out. Depending on who's in the office some of us will go out together some days. The people are so nice and I can't say enough about how welcoming everyone has been. I'm an awkward new situation person so I know that they don't know how cool I am yet, but they will soon enough and I can't wait til they love me and know that I am cool. haha.

1:30-5:30ish...See 8:15-12:30. Pretty much the same.

5:30-6:30 Fight my way "home". Also good time for debrief with the Lord, calling friends/family, and car jam session.. . which happens often.

6:30-7:30: Mrs. Joyce (I'll get to her later) has dinner ready. She refuses to take no for an answer, but boy am I thankful. We usually eat lots of fresh veggies out of their garden. I know exactly where my place setting is, exactly how to serve my plate, exactly what will be for drink (decaf tea with one packet of sweet-n-low) exactly where we will sit, and exactly the prayer that Mr. Ray will pray for our meal. I love it. It's like clockwork...they are scheduled, organized people, and for me in the current state of life I'm in I need it.
7:30-8:15 Help Mrs. Joyce clean up, take my shower.

8:15-9:00 Internet time, card-writing time, reading time, work that I've taken home time,

9:00-10:00 Try to keep my eyes open and visit with Mr. Ray and Mrs. Joyce which watching one of the TV programs they like. They have one for each night of the week, and I know now exactly what to expect on each night. (I love them and their predictability though!!) They especially love America's Funniest Home Videos and Lifetime Original Movies. You can ask me which I find more hilarious later.

10:00 By this time I'm usually unconscious.

Tomorrow is my first meeting with the gym in town though. So we'll have to start adding that into my schedule. I'm excited (and tired just thinking about it) for my personal trainer and workouts. I just can't wait to feel better about my health.

There are aspects that I want to expound on. And I'll have to write a blog about Mr. Ray and Mrs. Joyce specifically because there is so much I'd like to write about. They are a HUGE blessing. But I'm running out of time (irony) and I don't want to rush that post.

So now that you and every major stalker in the area know my exact life, I think I'll stop writing.


Claire said...

So where does blogging fit in?
Is that 5:01 ET? When it says you posted that?

I'm just wondering if I can believe anything that you said in light of that serious discrepancy that you obviously overlooked.

In other words, I'm really glad you managed to find time to blog, because I'm sad I haven't gotten to be a witness to your life in the last few weeks. That was something I was really starting to enjoy.

Are you going to the conference in Tampa?

Miss you, glad to see that you're growing. Now I just have to try to keep up.


Kaylyn said...

Dear Claire...

first of all: You're engaged. So pretty sure you've beat me on growing up. ((or the necessity of doing so..haha))

2b) what conference in Tampa. I'm a little lost on that one. fill me in.

3c) this clock must be messed up. it's been posting on central time...I definitely posted that around 8:45ish but I probably started it around 8:01. I wasn't even off work at 5:01PM---thank you very much. Ask stupid blogger about the timing situation. the timing is always off on all of my blogs..its probably a setting I need to change

4d) I know I've been slacking on the blogging lately. Just a season in life I guess. And maybe this season will inspire great future posts. or maybe just a little bit of self-depth. if there is such a thing. let's talk about this when we have our piano night next

5e) I will NEVER. EVER. EVER. grow up. it's against my religion.

I miss you too Claire. Most off all your challenging conversation and witty sense of humor. Secondly I miss you voice and your piano skills. Deland throw down. SOON.

((ps: I broke my curfew to write this comment))

Kaylyn said...
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