I work at a math lab 3 nights a week. A few weeks ago, I was witness to a pretty intense argument that left me awkwardly silent with the girl that works near me in the lab. I've been meaning to talk to her, but haven't had the chance.
Tonight she came over and apologized for what happened, which sparked a pretty awesome conversation. It's funny how random people begin talking about some of their deepest pains and because you're just listening, they go on.
I'm praying for my new lab friend and her grandfather who doesn't know who she is right now after several recent strokes.
Tonight I also got a text message from a girl who helped this weekend with the Hope Event. She hasn't met any of us before, nor has she been involved with the organization. She texted me asking about Vespers tomorrow and thanking me for how welcoming everyone was.
She told me that she's going through a difficult time right now and more than ever needs community. She asked me to pray for her. I literally don't know her last name. I'm praying for Nicole, and for a possible new friendship.
I am humbled tonight, that the Lord would choose to use me as a listener, and not a talker.
bee tea dubs, I wonder how much pain surrounds me that I am immune to because I'm too busy talking to hear my own voice.
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