"The God on whom we rely knows what suffering is all about--not merely in the way that God knows everything, but by experience." -D.A. Carson
Tonight was the fourth week in the campus ministry's serious on prayer. It was in the midst of hearing a prayer written by a 12 year old who was dying of AIDS that the power of prayer really sunk in. As the little girl put it, prayer of hope and belief in God, though struggle and pain surrounded her.
I love the words to the song, "Your Hands" by JJ Heller. I'm posting the lyrics because they are worth it. And the song is worth it so I encourage you to look it up.
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn't there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That you would take my pain away
You would take my pain away
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crooked lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking, heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave your hands
When you walked upon the earth
You healed the broken, lost and hurt
I know you hate to see me cry
One day you will set all things right
Yeah, one day you will set all things right
When my world is shaking, heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave your hands
Your hands that shaped the world
Are holding me
They hold me still
bee tea dubs, "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may recieve mercy and find grace to help in time of need"-Hebrews 4:16
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
At first I was Afraid; I was Petrified
This weekend was the new student retreat. We decided to go camping. Now, here's the thing. We're a motley crew. Got some complete weirdos. . .myself included. We've got some camping experts--real mountaineers (if we lived in the mountains that is) and some divas (3 showers in 24 hours and an air mattress. . really?) So this trip. The wilderness adventure that it was, was bound to be a success.
If by success you meant,
a1) coming to camp and realizing we've forgotten things such as:
-knives, trash bags, the griddle for pancakes the next morning, mayonnaise, ketsup, chips, ice, bottled water, bug spray, etc.
b2) a million degree weather + humidity factor
c3) almost getting attacked by a heard of raccoons.
d4) being the loudest people in the camp and pretty much being hated by all the peaceful families around us
e5) almost getting arrested by the cops for parking in a restricted area
Anyway, so it was an adventure to say the least. I think only 2 trips to the store were made. We survived the angry raccoons, and finally the authorities left us alone.
We survived.
and we did way more than survive.
I love camping trips. . . and not for the whole sleeping on the ground, no showering, smelly-smokey-grossness, bugs and elements, or to say I 'roughed it'. . but because I know when a group of people leave for trips where they are forced to experience something together they leave with a bond.
And that happened this weekend. I enjoyed getting to know our new students better and there are so many memories that staying in a hotel wouldn't have allowed--that having cell phones and facebook wouldn't have allowed. That's why I love camping.
I love adventure, but I love people more--or I try to love people...sometimes its harder than others..
. So the trip. . .a definite success.
My highlights were the following:
-the girls demolishing the guys in a tent building contest. . we were putting up street signs and installing electricity into our tent community before they had their single shack formed. glorious.
-playing the ninja game and not getting out during the first round for the first time ever. other fun games included Doomba circles, the Freeze game, 'zip-zap-zop'. . . which was probably my favorite for the shear fact that I got to see my friend Harrison dance throughout the circle. .
-racing on the way there and tag-teaming with 3 other cars to make Zach loose. Also. making the new students in my car value their lives a lot more after riding with me. and introduce them to my fabulous music choices/dance moves/vocals.
.. . ...they loved me. . . yea. i'm definitley their favorite upper classman.
-watching duncan cook our hamburgers, drop one on the ground, and then procede to wipe it off and put it back on the serving plate. and not saying anything. haha.
-midnight walk on the beach, having fish fly at us and brush by our feet, and watching the baby crabs. Also a highlight: faking that I saw a shark and then having someone say they thought they saw it. Psychology at it's best.
-life-contemplating-questions talks with friends on the beach at night. . .and sitting next to "creepers" that were 10 feet away that ended up being people from our group.
-laughing uncontrollably at nothing at all. and doing so with 5 other girls, and doing so at 2AM--in a silent camp site. and then getting yelled at to be quiet. and crying and hurting because of the laughter, and Sabrina almost choking to death, and it all being worth it.
-sunrise on the beach.
somethign about the beauty of a sunrise that really puts things into perspective. I could do nothing but think about undescribably the beauty of God's love for us is. How real it is. How big it is. I didn't really have words. Just amazed. over and over.
so. in summary. . .
a wonderful weekend of adventure, no sleep, and new friends.
I'll have to post pictures soon. . .
If by success you meant,
a1) coming to camp and realizing we've forgotten things such as:
-knives, trash bags, the griddle for pancakes the next morning, mayonnaise, ketsup, chips, ice, bottled water, bug spray, etc.
b2) a million degree weather + humidity factor
c3) almost getting attacked by a heard of raccoons.
d4) being the loudest people in the camp and pretty much being hated by all the peaceful families around us
e5) almost getting arrested by the cops for parking in a restricted area
Anyway, so it was an adventure to say the least. I think only 2 trips to the store were made. We survived the angry raccoons, and finally the authorities left us alone.
We survived.
and we did way more than survive.
I love camping trips. . . and not for the whole sleeping on the ground, no showering, smelly-smokey-grossness, bugs and elements, or to say I 'roughed it'. . but because I know when a group of people leave for trips where they are forced to experience something together they leave with a bond.
And that happened this weekend. I enjoyed getting to know our new students better and there are so many memories that staying in a hotel wouldn't have allowed--that having cell phones and facebook wouldn't have allowed. That's why I love camping.
I love adventure, but I love people more--or I try to love people...sometimes its harder than others..
. So the trip. . .a definite success.
My highlights were the following:
-the girls demolishing the guys in a tent building contest. . we were putting up street signs and installing electricity into our tent community before they had their single shack formed. glorious.
-playing the ninja game and not getting out during the first round for the first time ever. other fun games included Doomba circles, the Freeze game, 'zip-zap-zop'. . . which was probably my favorite for the shear fact that I got to see my friend Harrison dance throughout the circle. .
-racing on the way there and tag-teaming with 3 other cars to make Zach loose. Also. making the new students in my car value their lives a lot more after riding with me. and introduce them to my fabulous music choices/dance moves/vocals.
.. . ...they loved me. . . yea. i'm definitley their favorite upper classman.
-watching duncan cook our hamburgers, drop one on the ground, and then procede to wipe it off and put it back on the serving plate. and not saying anything. haha.
-midnight walk on the beach, having fish fly at us and brush by our feet, and watching the baby crabs. Also a highlight: faking that I saw a shark and then having someone say they thought they saw it. Psychology at it's best.
-life-contemplating-questions talks with friends on the beach at night. . .and sitting next to "creepers" that were 10 feet away that ended up being people from our group.
-laughing uncontrollably at nothing at all. and doing so with 5 other girls, and doing so at 2AM--in a silent camp site. and then getting yelled at to be quiet. and crying and hurting because of the laughter, and Sabrina almost choking to death, and it all being worth it.
-sunrise on the beach.
somethign about the beauty of a sunrise that really puts things into perspective. I could do nothing but think about undescribably the beauty of God's love for us is. How real it is. How big it is. I didn't really have words. Just amazed. over and over.
so. in summary. . .
a wonderful weekend of adventure, no sleep, and new friends.
I'll have to post pictures soon. . .
Sunday, September 19, 2010
So today my Facebook status. . . ."oh Lord, You are Greater."
And then a friend asks. "Greater than?"
And I am so reminded. .
Greater than my fear, my self-doubt, my shame, my stress, my tests. . .
Greater than my accomplishments, my pride, my success, my job, my fame. . .
Greater than disease, poverty, oppression, discrimination, pain, struggle. . .
Greater than riches and wealth. . .
Greater than this world and all it has to offer. . .
Greater than this week's schedule, lists, and responsibilities . . .
Simply put. He is GREATER.
He is greater than my Sin.
Dear Lord, This week is going to be stressful. It is going to require being reminded that YOU are Greater. And Your pupose for me is to glorify your Greatness.
And then a friend asks. "Greater than?"
And I am so reminded. .
Greater than my fear, my self-doubt, my shame, my stress, my tests. . .
Greater than my accomplishments, my pride, my success, my job, my fame. . .
Greater than disease, poverty, oppression, discrimination, pain, struggle. . .
Greater than riches and wealth. . .
Greater than this world and all it has to offer. . .
Greater than this week's schedule, lists, and responsibilities . . .
Simply put. He is GREATER.
He is greater than my Sin.
Dear Lord, This week is going to be stressful. It is going to require being reminded that YOU are Greater. And Your pupose for me is to glorify your Greatness.
Bee tea dubs. . . .I am loving Pandora's "Jack Johnson" playlist at this moment.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Afternoon Delight
"Kaylyn get away from me you weirdo. Jeez, I'm gonna start calling you LC cause you're my Little Creeper."
-Molly Hardcore Bostelman, May 29, 2010
Three months ago, Molly stepped out of her red Honda and my life was forever changed...
with her sarcasm, endless jokes, and witty comebacks this wise-old sage soon became one of my closest friends.
I mean, let's be serious. She's only got a couple of decades left in her so why not grace her with my friendship?--I count it as charitable time working with the elderly.
Get to know Molly better. . .
Some fun Molly moments include. . .-trips to Wal-Mart at 2AM
-singing Afternoon Delight
-giving her bruises all the time because of her bone disease
-ghettofabulous music/dances
-cutting squares for craft track. . and being obnoxiously loud
-PIT rants and frustration
-PIT itunes music
-Baskin Robbins trips
-walks of attitude adjustments
-laying on sidewalks because they are warm
-laundry room conversations
-Variety Show headsets
-the "Dam" trip
Words that I hear and automatically think "Molly"
-peach tea
-Emo Patrol
-medicine, codine, pills, cough medicine
-blue shirts (oh, you know what one I'm talking about)
-skype dates
-Backstreet Boys
-New Kids on the Block
-Pop music
-chocolate ice cream
Molly phrases:
-"Put your hands on me" --referring to back massages
-"this isn't my first rodeo"
-"look neaaasty"
-"what the hey diddle diddle"
-"Crazy American"
-"i'm pregnant"
-"just calm down, just calm down. It's going to be okay. Calm down."
Other important information:
-Molly is probably one of the most loyal people you will ever meet. She truly cares for her friends and for those around her with a sense of genuiness that is rarely found.
-Molly loves to bring joy. She will work to see people laugh and smile and this is something I love about my friend. She brings a smile to difficult situations.
-Molly is honest. I haven't met many people who are as real and up front as Molly is. She tells you the truth in love and with understanding.
-Molly cares deeply. There weren't many nights that Molly wouldn't come by the room and check on me to see how my day was. No matter how tired she was (so old, so, so old) or how frustrating her day had been--she would always come by and make sure she spoke to me. She will never fully understand how much God used her this summer in teaching me how to care for other people.
-Molly perceives. You never have to tell her when somethings up. Because she already knows. Its a trick yoda must have taught her when she and him were kickin back in the day.
I was blessed beyond believe to meet someone this summer who made me laugh, made me cry, and challenged me to be better in striving to Glorify God more each day.
I was blessed with someone who didn't just feel sorry for me in times of pain or exhaustion, but walked through those times with me.
With someone who led me to Truth, and to the Word, and constantly pointed out the beauty of the Lord's work in my life and around me.
With someone who had some serious vocal chords!! And could bless me through hearing her worship in song.
With someone who loved to dance, be goofy, and be sarcastic as much as I do.
With someone who took the time and effort to invest in me.
With someone who prayed for me and with me.
With someone who still encourages me with fun cards and notes of honesty.
With an older (way older) sister, and a friend that I can relate to.
With an example of a servant and with wisdom of experience.
The Lord blessed my life with Molly Hardcore Bostelman, and for that I am so grateful.
Bee Tea Dubs. . .Molly I can't wait to see what He has planned for you and through you in Chatt town. Keep the faith. He's with you always. And I'm here for you as long as He allows. LOVE YOU!
Friday, September 10, 2010
What a great description of this summer.
A beautiful picture of the Lord's grace and glory.
Enjoy some (inadequate) glimpses into how I saw Him this summer.
Most of these are my staff.
Because really used them to teach and challenge me.
I love all of you and thank you for one great summer!

The big group after Mega week 4!
But I did have on my Monday shoes.
And that means, its a great day.
And that means, its a great day.
I woke her up at 3am sometimes telling her it was time to get up for staff meeting.
But she's probably forgotten because she has slept since then.
"Little Creeper"
A name I have come to love.
mostly because I love those who call me by it.

So great.

A version of the staff.

After making it out alive from white water rafting.
A lot.
Chanting it up.

Mega Dances. Lead by scandalous hardcore Molly.

The roomie that stayed with me the entire summer.
And put up with my crazy.
And listened to my good morning songs.
And then she became my friend.
But not because Jenni left.
Because I decided it was okay.
And I wasn't afraid of her eye contact anymore.

Mega Dances. Lead by scandalous hardcore Molly.
Raccoons in cages.

She loves me the mostest.
Its okay that she acts like I'm annoying and weird.
I am, but she is basically telling me...
"You are my favorite."

Legos with my brother Alex.

The smack-talk. Also intense.
That's right.
I was the universe.
Or the center of the universe.
Thanks again Jenni for almost killing me.
(Notice the sign)
One of my fabulous bible study groups.
I bet you couldn't guess how I had no voice all summer.

Love your faces.
Staff Appreciation dinner


July 4th with some Roomies :)
Alex was high on some good pain medicine.
Jenni looks really concerned.

Love your faces.

And then got repaid the favor.
This is where Rachel's addiction began.
So sad.


July 4th with some Roomies :)

Well, we're pretty much all ballers.
They just beat us.
Molly took care of all of my "emo patrol".
I left lots of bruises on her.
Bone disease.
And still do.
And Dan the Man.

Another great bible study.
Another great bible study.
We are legit.
Thank you Lord for your soveriengnty.
This summer wouldn't have been the same without those people who I had the opportunity to work with.
Whether they were there for two weeks or 10 and a half...they definatley left an impact.
I love how the Lord does that.
He brings people in and out of your life with only His perfect timing.
He brings people in and out of your life with only His perfect timing.
It's pretty obvious that there was a bunch of fun.
There was that and so much more.
Love, love, love this group of people.
Bee tea dubs,
Thank you Lord for your soveriengnty.
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